BRAB developed a landing page for the Client back in 2016. A large set of textual content was broken down into smaller readable information blocks. Landing page mainly focuses on original methods, comprehensive expertise and authors international certification.
We also started promoting a supporting Facebook account which gained over 5000 followers in a few months.
Our aim was to create a website appealing to both parents, mother and father. This resulted in a ‘mild’ color design.
We gained trust to Easy Baby product through detailed descriptions of life, experience and professional achievements of project’s author.
Within the first 6 months we managed to get 1500 Facebook subscriptions without any promotion expenses. Further promotion service and investments increased the number of Facebook followers with monthly average of 1100 for new subscriptions. Promoting one of the expensive webinars by one of the EASY BABY coaches, we managed to attract 67 leads (potential customers.
Today, we maintain and improve the current pilot site and keep working to launch the extended version with more content and convenient navigation.