up to 20 000 visits from organic traffic per month
Up to 4000 views for website articles
followers per month in Instagram (without additional expenses)
Development of Ukraine’s #1 informational online resource about cheese

According to BRAB’s principles the website was built upon brand’s competitive advantages: location in ecological regions of the country, prolonged free range pasture,cheese aging technology, high quality ferments for production, etc. All of these advantages are presented throughout the whole website.

Novhorod-Siverskyi Cheese

‘Cheese Encyclopedia’ section about cheese and cheese-making is a unique online resource for Ukraine. Here you can learn almost everything about each kind of cheese and how to match it best with other foods and drinks. Such a resource gives our Client a long term advantage in search engine optimization.

Новгород-Северский Сырзавод

Product pages also power up the website. For each of the 30 items we designed individual original content which is interesting and easy to read.

Новгород-Северский Сырзавод

Another dimension of this project was a corporate account and Facebook. We managed to gain up to 11,000 subscriptions during a year with minimal expenses. Entire original content for social media including texts, videos, charts and images, was created by BRAB.

Новгород-Северский Сырзавод

Client is happy with the online resource and is going to use it to promote company’s product for export. The project is still in progress and we are thankful and proud to be a part of it.

Новгород-Северский Сырзавод


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