N1 Beauty
Achieving the goal of the number of orders per day
Launching Google Ads from scratch

The client turned to us for the promotion of cosmetic products using contextual advertising in the Google search engine. It was important for the customer:

  • to solve the problem with the blocking of the account in Google Ads;
  • to increase site traffic and get more transactions from the site;
  • to reduce the average transaction cost;
  • to build a promotion strategy without violating the advertising law.


Our team faced a difficult task to launch an account that was blocked by the system several times due to violation of Google Ads rules. Our specialists managed to remove the block and launch advertising campaigns.

We started the work with a new “unheated” account with zero results. Thanks to the correct optimization of shopping advertising campaigns, we have reached the planned result and are now working on improving the indicators from Google Ads.

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